The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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DC F-Keys v1.0
Copyright (c) 1991 Double Click Software
Program by Michael B. Vederman and Keith Gerdes
DC F-KEYS is a FREEWARE program. A FREEWARE program is one which you may
freely distribute, but you cannot charge for it or alter the program or
contents of the archive in any manner. Double Click Software retains all
copyright exclusive rights except exclusive distribution.
DC F-Keys allows you to assign a text macro to a function key, or combination
of a function key and one (1) modifier key (SHIFT, CONTROL or ALTERNATE).
This could be useful if you enter the same text repeatedly.
For example, you leave an email message and instead of typing your name at the
end, you press F1 and your name is printed for you.
You can assign up to 49 function key macros!
DC F-KEYS key assignments
Before you get started, you should decide what text macros you want to assign
to what function keys.
DC F-KEYS loads in the text macros from a file named:
A sample DC_FKEYS.DAT file looks like:
F1=This is F1
R1=This is <RIGHT SHIFT>+<F1>
L5=This is <LEFT SHIFT>+<F5>
C1=This is <CONTROL>+<F1>
A10=This is <ALTERNATE>+<F10>
The first line of DC_FKEYS.DAT is the function key which will be used to turn
DC F-KEYS on and off. You **MUST** have this line. This key can be any key
as defined directly below. If you forget this line, then the first macro
assignment function key will be taken as the toggle.
Format of the function key definition in DC_FKEYS.DAT is like this:
<special character><number>=<Macro>
<special character> is:
'F' for a regular unshifted function key
'R' for the <RIGHT SHIFT> key pressed at the same time as the
function key with number that follows
'L' for the <LEFT SHIFT> key pressed at the same time as the
function key with number that follows
'C' for the <CONTROL> key pressed at the same time as the
function key with number that follows
'A' for the <ALTERNATE> key pressed at the same time as the
function key with number that follows
<number> is a number from 1 to 10
= is the equal sign
<macro> is the text to assign, up to 40 characters
So, every line must have the function key _immediately_ followed by the
equals sign '=' and the text for the macro.
EXAMPLE: C10=This is <CONTROL>+<F10>
A5=This is <ALTERNATE>+<F5>
IMPORTANT NOTE: You may only have 40 characters per macro.
Non Printable Characters
You can imbed any character in the macro by using the backslash '\'
character in the macro, followed by the DECIMAL value of the character
you want at that position, and another backslash. Two backslashes '\\'
in a row would place one (1) backslash in the macro.
Each imbedded character counts as one character, so \255\ is really
only one character (if you are keeping count).
NOTE: You can only use a number from 0 to 255 (any ASCII character).
EXAMPLE: F1=This is a carriage return ->\13\
F2=This is a backslash ->\\
F3=This is \13\\10\a split line
<LINE FEED> = 10
Installing DC F-KEYS
You can install DC F-KEYS either from the AUTO folder or from the desktop.
>To install DC F-KEYS from the AUTO folder, do this:
1) Copy DC_FKEYS.PRG and your DC_FKEYS.DAT file into the AUTO folder of
your bootup disk.
2) Reset your computer. DC F-KEYS will attempt to load and parse the
DC_FKEYS.DAT file to define your keys when it runs.
When DC F-KEYS installs, you will see an installation message.
>To install DC F-KEYS from the desktop, do this:
1) Make sure the DC_FKEYS.DAT file is in the CURRENT directory (which is
usually the same directory the program is in).
2) Run DC_FKEYS.PRG. An alert box will appear asking you if you want to
INSTALL or QUIT DC F-KEYS. Click on the appropriate button.
3) If you clicked on INSTALL, DC F-KEYS will attempt to load and parse the
DC_FKEYS.DAT file to define your keys.
When DC F-KEYS installs, you will see an installation message.
Turning DC F-KEYS On and Off
>To turn DC F-KEYS On or Off, do this:
1) Press the function key which is listed at the top of your DC_FKEYS.DAT
file. If DC F-KEYS is ON, it will toggle OFF. If DC F-KEYS is OFF,
it will toggle ON.
Have you purchased the DC DESKTOP or DC UTILITIES version 2.0???
If not, you owe yourself the pleasure of using our superb programs.
"These programs are aSTounding!" - Ken Badertscher, ATARI Corp. talking
about the DC UTILITIES v2.0
"The DC DESKTOP is a permanent part of my system!"
- Ron Luks, Founder of Compuserve's Sig Atari
Call us to order, or ask your local retailer.
If you like this program, great!
Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software.
We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say!
You can reach us almost everywhere!
By Phone
Double Click Software : (713)977-6520
GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30)
CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVend, area 13)
Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu
DC BBS : (713)944-0108